Salod(H), Wardha, M.S., India-442004

Funded Projects

Funded Projects

Sr. No. Name of Researcher Title of the Project Amount
Year 2024
1 Dr. Bhavana Rana Pharmaceutico-Analytical & Experimental Study of Darvyadi Ghrita 23,500
2 Dr. Somveer Singh Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of Gokshuradi Churna & Its Extract 45,000
3 Dr. Minal wandile Pharmaceutical Standardization and Antihaemorrhoidal Activity of Ayurvedic Injection -An Experimental Evaluation In Modules Of Haemorrhoids In Wistar Rats-An In Vivo 23,800
Year 2023
1 Gayatri Ayupharma Ltd. Ahmedabad Acute Toxicity studies of 10 Gayatri Ayupharma products 2,70,000
2 Dr. Sheenam Rani Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Activity of Dhatryadi Rasayana Churna and its Granules 33,500
3 Dr. Tarang Rawat Evaluation of Anti-pyretic, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic activity of Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa and Sanjivani Vati 46,400
4 Dr. Kanika Dhiman Evaluating the efficacy of Navkarshik Kashay ghanvati and Erandadi Kashay ghanavati for its Anti hyperurecemic activity. 38,200
5 Dr. Dipika Varma Evaluation of Antipyretic, Anti Bacterial activity of Anand Bhairav Rasa And jaya Vati along with there toxicological assesment. 45,500
Year 2022
1. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Sumedh Sanjay Joshi Assessment of Medhya Karma of Mundi (Sphaeranthusindicus Linn.) whole plant; in experimental model of amnesia and Clinical Study on Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in Adults   90,000
2. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Vaibhav Kakde A comparative study of Nirgundi Bheda (Vitexagnus-castusLinn.) and Nirgundi (Vitexnegundo Linn.) for the assessment of Rasapanchaka (Bio-dynamic attributes) on healthy volunteers and analgesic, anti-inflammatory activity on albino wistar rats. 90,000
Year 2021
1. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Vidya Honde Safety Evaluation (Sub- Acute Toxicity Study) of Rajat Bhasma and Silver Nanoparticles in Albino Wistar Rats. 50,000
2. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Pradnya Dhotkar Study of  Effect of Quercetin on Drug Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Wistar Rats 32,000
3. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Shital Chavan Anovulatory action assessment of orally administered Dhatriyogchurna and contraceptive pills in wistar rats 60,000
4. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Ramesh Jadhav Acute Dermal toxicity study of Yashad-Jatayadi Ointment Albino Wistar Rats 50,000
Year 2019
1. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Anita Wanjari Pharmaceutico analytical study of guggulu and gum acasia and assessment for anti-inflammatory property in wistar rats 54,000
2. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Mukesh Chawada Evaluation of safety and efficacy of herbal and herbomineral formulation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced in swiss albino mice by using high fat diet 1,02,528
3. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Renu Rathi Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of probiotic honey containing bacillus  coagulants in children suffering from acute diarrhea 88,200
Year 2018
1 Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Amit Mishra Characterisation and Experimental Study on Haragourirasa wsr Mritani Lohani rasibhabanti 4,500
2 Manish Deshmukh/Ms. Renuka Badwe Hepatoprotective activity of gomutra ark in carbon tetrachloride induced liver cirrhosis in wistar rats 10,000
3 Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Vipin Tongle Evaluation of safety and efficacy of local application of Apamarga kshar ointment base sikths taila and apamarga kshar  in Wistar Rats with internal hemorrhoids 5,000
4 Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Chandrakant Arun Dhanokar Evaluation of Analgesic and antiinflamatory activity of Shulaghnasaptak vati in Wistra Rats 10,000
5 Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Chaudhari Mukesh Ananta A comparative experimental and analytical study of various extracts of Madhumehari Churna wsr to streptozotocin induced Diabetis in Wistar Rats 7,000
6 Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Reetesh Ramnani Evaluation of Raspushpadi Malhara and its Modified dosage forms wsr to its Dermal Toxicity and efficacy on Vrana in Wistar Rats 8,250
7 Manish Deshmukh/Kavita Saini A comparative pharmaceutico-analytical & Pharmacological study of three different formulations of arjuna (Ksheerpak,Arishta,Ghrita) & evaluation of their cardio-protective activity 12,500
8 Mr. Manish Deshmukh Acute Toxicity study of NILACID Syrup in Male wistar rats 84,000
9 Mr. Manish Deshmukh Acute toxicity study of Karnim Plus Capsule in Male wistar rat 20,000
10 Mr. Manish Deshmukh Development and optimization of nanoemulsion containing phytophenol combination for Brain Tumor treatment 20,000
11 Mr. Manish Deshmukh Evaluation of safety and efficacy of AITHAL OIL and to investigate mechanisam action in the healing of chronic open wounds. 1,40000
Year 2017
1. Manish Deshmukh/Mr. Rangnath Chikne 90 days oral toxicity study of Spinacia oleracea extrat on wistar rats 50,000
2. Manish Deshmukh/Dr. Omprakash Panwar Pharmaceutico analytical and experimental study of Indra vati on streptozotocin induced diabetes in Wistar (Albino) rats 20020
3. Manish Deshmukh/Karunanidhi Pharmaceutico analytical and experiment Madhumehari churn al study of TrivangaBhasma and Madhumehari extract on streptozotocin induced Wistar rats
Collaborative Projects
1 Dr. Ashutosh Bagde & IIT Kharagpur Development of cutomized implants via Powder metallurgy process 1.5 CR (3.9 lakh for animal testing)
2 Dr. Ashutosh Bagde & IIT Kharagpur Bio printing of skeletal tissue towards customized phalank reconstruction and regeneration by tissue engineering approach 39 Lakhs (52K for animal Purchase)
3 Dr. Ashutosh Bagde & IISC, Cellink and DMIHER 3D printed scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration Self Funded
4 Dr Zahir  Quazi & IIT Khragpur Development of wound healing patch for diabetic ulcer 2 Lakh for animal testing (Approved)